Are you a college student looking to master programming and crack interviews at top tech companies like Infosys SES, Morgan Stanley, and Adobe? If yes, then you’re in luck! In this blog, I’ll be sharing the step-by-step plan and resources I followed to achieve these goals during my college days.
The golden key I followed was to keep a step-by-step plan in place to navigate, build my skills according to it, and stay consistent. With that being said, let’s dive into my strategy.
Step 1: Choose a Language
The first step is to choose a programming language that aligns with your interests and goals. With so many programming languages out there, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. For example, if you’re interested in developing websites, learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is an excellent place to start. On the other hand, if you want to get into machine learning, you may want to start with Python.
Step 2: Learn the Basics
Once you’ve chosen a language, it’s time to learn the basics. There are countless resources available online, including tutorials, videos, and online courses. Here are five websites that offer free resources to help you learn the basics:
  • Codecademy
  • FreeCodeCamp
  • Udemy
  • Khan Academy
  • W3Schools
These websites offer a wide range of courses covering everything from programming fundamentals to more advanced topics.
Step 3: Build Projects
The best way to solidify your understanding of programming is to build projects. This not only helps you apply what you’ve learned but also gives you a chance to put your skills to the test. You can find project ideas online or come up with your own. Here are five websites that offer free project ideas:
  • GitHub
  • Project Euler
  • HackerRank
  • CodeWars
  • CodinGame
These websites offer a wide range of project ideas, from simple to complex, that you can use to practice your programming skills.
Step 4: Network and Collaborate
Networking and collaborating with other programmers can help you learn new skills, get feedback on your projects, and stay motivated. Here are five websites where you can network with other programmers:
  • Stack Overflow
  • GitHub
  • Reddit
  • Discord
  • HackerRank 
These websites offer a platform where you can connect with other programmers, ask questions, and share ideas.
Step 5: Stay Up-to-Date
Finally, programming is an ever-evolving field, so it’s essential to stay up-to-date with the latest developments. You can do this by reading blogs, following industry experts on social media, attending webinars, and attending conferences. Here are five websites where you can stay up-to-date with the latest programming trends:
  • Hacker News
  • Reddit/r/programming
  • Medium
  • Dev.to
  • InfoQ
By following this strategy and utilizing the free resources offered by the five websites mentioned above, you’ll be well on your way to mastering programming. With hard work, consistency, and dedication, you too can crack interviews at top tech companies and achieve your career goals. Good luck!